The Hall is fully open and available for Children`s parties or regular bookings for organisations, contact our Booking Secretary via the Contact Us page

 Southern Sport Karate Organisation

At SSKO you have the opportunity to learn all of the benifits of Karate training in a friendly club atmosphere, regardless of age,ability or level of fitness


Classes last one hour and begin with a gentle warm up and full body stretch. Once properly warmed up students learn basic punches and kicks and then combinations. If you are a beginner then classes are non-contact so there is no risk of getting hurt. Or maybe your returning to the martial arts and as a more experianced student you will be involved in pairs work and or sparring.
In our clubs you will be taught Sport Karate based on traditional Wado-Ryu. Our style of teaching has a modern approach but does not distract from the traditional elements of respect Kata,Kihon and Kumite
 Chairman and Chief Instructor of the organisation is Sensei Paul Bowlesinst-paul-bowles-t2
 To contact us either come along at Waltham Chase Village Hall on a Monday evening at 7pm or visit


You will be assured of a friendly welcome

 Paul Bowles 07746 569844