How it all began.....
The land known as Waltham Chase was probably included in the original tenth-century grant to the bishopric, but the Chase is only specifically mentioned at the time of its acquisition by the Lord Treasurer in the sixteenth century, and the subsequent grant to the earl of Wiltshire and regrant to Bishop White. (fn. 36) It stretched away to the south and east of the park, and was practically an outlying portion of the Forest of Bere. Originally the hunting-ground of the bishops, the chase became famous in the eighteenth century as the haunt of a gang of deer-stealers, who were known from their blackened faces as 'The Waltham Blacks.'
It was in consequence of their doings, and at the instigation of Bishop Trimnell, that the Black Act of George I was passed in 1722, though apparently it was never enforced. Some twenty years later, Bishop Hoadly, on being asked to re-stock the chase with deer, refused, saying that it 'had done mischief enough already.' Waltham Chase was enclosed in 1870, (fn. 37) since when the timber has been entirely cut down, (fn. 38) though the name forest still clings to the locality.
Jump forward 55 years
Extract from Shedfield Parish Magazine, February 1919 WALTHAM CHASE HUT.
At the last Quarterly Meeting of the Parochial Church Council ( December 16th 1918) it was decided that steps should be taken to find the views of the parishoner's living in the Chase as to the desirability of establishing a Hut there for services and social meetings. On January the 15th, after due notice, a Meeting was held in Mr and Mrs Davies' studio; and a letter from the Vicar war read expressing his keen interest in the project, and suggesting that the building might be regarded as a thank-offering for the preservation of our own country from the devastation of war. After discussion it was resolved that the proposal should be heartily approved, and that the site of the Hut should be near the centre of the Shedfield portion of the Chase, and a committee was appointed to consider the ways and means, consisting of the Rev. W. M. McWatters, Sergt. Davies, Messrs A Knight, T Daysh, Pocock, and Rooke, and Mrs Davies, Mrs Giddins and Sister Bareham, which will in due course report to the Council. Such a building should be of real value as an auxiliary to the Church and the Schools, etc, in an outlying part of the Parish, and we hope there will be a general readiness to help in raising the necessary funds.
Extract from Shedfield Parish Magazine, April 1919 WALTHAM CHASE CHURCH HUT. -
We have to record this month most satisfactory progress with the Fund, and have to offer our thanks to those who have shewed such practical interest in the work: - Previously received, £71.10s.9d.; Mrs. Franklyn, £50: Proceeds of Rummage Sale, April 10th, per Sister Bareham, £7.2s.; proceeds of waste paper and other material collected,pre the Rev. W. E. Medlicott, £5.0s.2d.; Mr. and Mrs. Giddins and family, £8; Mrs. William Tier (thank-offering), 10s.; Mr. A. Chalk, 10s.; Mr. Pocock, 5s.; Mrs. Daysh, 10s.; proceeds of the C.E.M.S. Social on January 20th, £3.10s.10d.; Mrs. Glasgow, £5; Miss Douglas (formerly of Shedfield Grange) £1; Collections in Lent, £15s.10d.; and the following Collecting boxes; - Anonymous, 6s.; Anonymous, 13s.6d.; Bim Ashley, 4s.; Miss Chalk, 10s.; Mrs. Chequer, 7s.; Mrs. F.G. Chequer, 1s. 5d.; Miss Childs, 12s. 7d.; Mrs. Daysh, 1s. 2d.; Lena Daysh, 1s. 2d.; Mrs. Davies (Curdridge), 2s. 4d.; Mrs. Davies (The Studio, Waltham Chase) and Mrs. Nunn, £4. 4s. 10d.; Mrs. Early, 3s.; Cyril Edwards, 5s.; Miss Ford, 2s.; Mrs. House 4s.; Mr. A. Knight, 11s. 10d.; Mr. James Knight, 2s. 6d.; King's Messengers, 7s. 3d.; Lady Phillimore, 14s. 3d.; Mrs. Pritchard, 1s.; Mrs. Rooke, £2. 8s. 5d.; Shirrell House, £1. 4s.; Mrs. Stacey, 3s. 7d.; Shedfield Cottage, 7s.; Mrs. A. Titheridge, 1s. 4d.: Lent Collections, payment for books, 1s. 10d.; in all, £14. 3s. 10d.
Total, £162. 18s. 5d.
Extract believed to be from The Hampshire Chronicle, Noevmber 1919
Extracts from 1919 editions of SHEDFIELD PARISH MAGAZINE July 30th 1919
Waltham Chase Hut. - . A substantial lift was given to the funds for the Hut by a very successful Fete on Wednesday, July 20th, in the gardens of Shedfield Lodge, by kind permission of Mrs. Franklyn. There was a large attendance (over 1000), and the stalls, which displayed a great variety of wares, were well patronised. Visitors were also fully entertained by a variety of side shows, including admirably rendered dialogues by Miss E. Carpenter Garnier, Miss Hanrott, Miss Heaver, and Miss Martin: folk songs by children of the infant school led by Miss Childs and songs by Miss Evans, which were much appreciated. The evening ended with dancing to the music of Mrs. Morgan's orchestra. A special feature was a loan exhibition of interesting relics and souvenirs of the war, which was very creditable to the organisers and excellently arranged by Mr. Terry and Mr. J. Spencer, who also shewed visitors round during the day. The weather was perfect, and the gardens were in great beauty; and a very enjoyable day was spent.
Our best thanks are due to the ladies who organised the stalls of their goods to such excellent advantage, as is seen by the appended balance sheet, and the many voluntary helpers with the refreshments and the shows.
July 30th 1919
RECEIPTS £. s. d PAYMENTS £. s. d.
Gate Money 27. 12. 8 Entertainment Tax 6. 18. 2
Bicycles 2. 2. 3 Margarine and Tea 1. 2. 0
Stalls: Milk 0. 18. 0
1. Mrs. Utterton 8. 3. 10 Mrs. Boggust (Bread, Cakes,
2. Sister Bareham 10. 1. 4½ Buns, and Sugar) 6. 10. 0
3. Mrs. Franklyn, Lady Mr. Pyle (Hire of Crockery,
Phillimore, and Miss Cottle 23. 0. 2 and Milk and Fancy Cakes 6. 14. 1
4. Mrs. Shortland and Miss Orchestra 2. 2. 0
Langley 23. 14. 0 Printing 0. 19. 0
5. Misses Medlicott 14. 15. 3 Postage 0. 4. 6
War Relics Exhibition 3. 18. 3 Mr. Churcher (Erecting Tent,
Lucky Dip 6. 0. 7½ (Stalls etc.) 3. 12. 6
Dialogues 2. 10. 0 Hire and Tuning of Piano and
Switchback 0. 17. 4½ Chairs 1. 4. 2
Dancing 7. 1. 8 Police 0. 3. 0
Tea 6. 16. 9 Balance 111. 0. 7½
Ices 2. 0. 0
Cakes 4. 4. 10
__________ __________
£143. 10. ½ £143. 10. ½
__________ __________
Photograph by kind permission of Betty Daysh
On Wednesday, the 19th (November 1919) the Chase Hut was opened, an important step in the social and religious welfare of the inhabitants of this district. It will be free and open to all, men and women alike, for social purposes and recreation on weekdays, and on Sundays for religious services, to be held under the direction of the Vicar, assisted at time by other clergy and laity.
The Hut will be in charge of Capt. Poulton, a Church Army Officer, who is a trained Evangelist, who will manage the social work and also conduct services. When the programme of work for the winter is settled, further information will be given. The Hut, with its Sanctuary and Altar, was dedicated by the Ven. the Archdeacon of Winchester, and the addresses were given by him and the Vicar and the Rev. W. E. Medlicott.
The Altar was the gift of Mrs. Jeffery, in memory of her husband, Lieut. Edward Jeffery, who was killed in France. The Cross and pair of Candlesticks, nicely carved in oak, were presented by Mr. and Mrs. Philimore, in memory of their son, Lieut. Matthew Arden Philimore, who also fell in the War. The Altar Vessels were the kind gift of Mrs. Franklyn, the Altar Cloth was given by the Misses Medlicott, and the Altar Desk by Miss Chalk.
By kind permission of Betty Daysh
Picture of hall showing Bungalow Donated by the Rev Medlicott and used for the Caretaker
23rd October 2012 .....
The ground the Hall sits on was originally purchased from Chase Farm as it was then, Betty remembers her Dad grumbling that they paid too much for it.
(editor note; no change then and now)
The Hut was an old American ARMY HUT from the Netley Hospital . It was brought from Netley by train to Bishops Waltham then by horse and wagon.
December 1919
November 19th was a red-letter day in the annals of The Chase; a day of much thanksgiving; the realisation of long-cherished hopes and ambitions when The Hut was declared open by the Archdeacon of Winchester and the little Sanctuary dedicated to the Glory of God.
We sincerely hope and pray that it will prove a real benefit, not only to the inhabitants of The Chase, but to the surrounding district as well; and that it will come to be regarded by them both as a Hut of Worship and of Fellowship, where, in the first place, we can come to meet God, especially in our greatest of all services, the Holy Communion, and so realise His strengthening Presence in our daily lives; and then, also, where we can come to meet one another and get to know each other better, and so cement that feeling of brotherhood and comradeship that should exist amongst all parishioners. We offer a hearty welcome to Capt. Poulton, who has been sent by the Church Army Headquarters to superintend the work at the Hut; it is up to us to give him every encouragement and support, then I firmly believe the work will go steadily forward and prosper, and the Hut will fulfil its double purpose.
I wonder if we fully realise how much the Hut and we owe to Mr. Medlicott for its existence! It would certainly never have been ready for use this winter had it not been for his untiring energy and zeal. To my mind, the most appropriate name for the Hut would be "The Medlicott Hut", because it would always remind us of an old friend who was the life and soul of its erection. I am sure we all of us earnestly hope that he will be spared to us for many years to see the fruit of his labours, as well as to dream about them in that cosy arm-chair his friends have given him !
These next two by Betty Daysh
Originally the Hall had a flat roof over the part under which which was the 'old' committee room, now the preschool store, and Disabled toilet, around the front over the kitchen and toilets. The roof was constantly leaking and the builder had apparently moved quietly abroad.
We extended the toilets and formed the sloping roof you now see in 2022 at a cost of over £13k, how prices have changed.
Existing timber had not been bricked up on the brick end of the gable wall and had lateral movement.
The vertical supports to the opposite end of purlins do not have sufficient support and require additional timbers.
Cost in to repair 1996... £12,000
First work on refurbishment of storerooms into Yeoman Room, rear roof and felt replaced, it had been leaking about where the man is stood.
Blank Canvas,
no tree roots, and no window
With Yeoman Room window
Major work to main hall, new suspended ceiling and led lighting, East and south walls plastered and or painted.
Pictures to follow....
Major work to the Ladies and Gents
at a cost of £26k
Pictures to follow...